GAC-MAC Annual Meeting 2021

Thank you for making GAC-MAC 2021 a success!!

Dear attendees,

We are please to report that GAC-MAC 2021 was a resounding success. 480 people attended, which included 203 in person. The Program and Abstracts are available at

From our sponsors and exhibiters, to session organizers and speakers, to our virtual and in-person attendees, and our wonderful volunteers, I would like to offer a sincere thank you on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee to everyone who participated in the 2021 London GAC-MAC Annual Meeting! This was not your typical GAC-MAC meeting but it was a meaningful, educational and an inspiring experience.

It has been a wonderful few days of short courses and sessions that provide a glimpse of the research being conducted by the GAC® and MAC geoscience communities. If you missed a talk or poster, check out the Pheedloop site, which will remain active until December 31st 2021. This includes recordings of all the sessions.  If you are having trouble accessing the virtual platform, email: and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

All the best,

LOC Chair (GAC): Gordon Osinski
LOC Co-Chair (MAC): Roberta Flemming

GAC-MAC London 2021 Joint Annual Meeting November 1-5

The University of Western Ontario (Western) in London, Ontario, Canada

Exploring Geosciences through Time and Space
Explorer les géosciences à travers le temps et l'espace

Virtual program Monday Nov 1, 2021 | Hybrid program Wed-Fri Nov 3-5, 2021

Registration is open!

Options for in person or virtual meeting participation are available.  GAC-MAC 2021 is a hybrid format live meeting, with a substantial, integrated virtual meeting capability.

Also check out the affiliated virtual and in person Field trips, Workshops and Short Courses that will take place before and after GAC-MAC 2021.

And, if you have not already done so for 2021, take the time now to renew or apply for a new MAC membership and receive a member discount on your GAC-MAC registration fee!

Existing members:

Renew your membership to Mineralogical Association of Canada here
Please click the link above and enter your username and password into the authentication window to start the online renewal process.

  • Username: Your email address
  • Password: Your membership number

New or lapsed membership:

Becoming a member is easy. Just go to the online store or fill out the application/renewal form and fax or mail back to us.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

Short Course

Fluid and Melt Inclusions: Applications to Geologic Processes

Organizers: Matthew Steele-MacInnis (University of Alberta) and Pilar Lecumberri-Sanchez (University of Alberta),

2 day pre-meeting Virtual MAC Short Course - Saturday October 30 to Sunday October 31, 2021.
The short course will focus on application of fluid inclusions to solve geologic problems, and includes talks from world experts in fluid and melt geochemistry applied to hydrocarbons, diagenesis, metamorphic and igneous processes, Earth’s deep interior, and economic mineral deposits.

See more details about this workshop here

Call for abstracts - deadline Monday, July 12, 2021!

We welcome abstract submissions for the full proposed Scientific Program

GAC-MAC 2021 Hybrid Meeting Postponed to Nov. 1-5, 2021:

Dear GAC-MAC community,

As you are aware, the 2021 annual GAC-MAC meeting is being hosted by the Department of Earth Sciences at Western University, London, Ontario. The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) has been monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic from the start and has been constantly adapting and evolving plans. In Fall 2020, COVID-19 numbers were lower and the prospect of a vaccine led the LOC to develop scenarios for a hybrid meeting in May 2021, permitting virtual attendance but also keeping the opportunity for in-person attendance, which was identified in our member survey as one of the highlights of GAC-MAC.

Ontario has recently moved into a State of Emergency and the number of COVID-19 cases are rapidly rising across the country, and internationally. Given this situation, the GAC-MAC 2021 LOC has made the difficult decision to postpone the meeting to November 1-5, 2021. With the goal of the government to have all Canadians vaccinated by September, the goal of the LOC is to offer a GAC-MAC meeting with the traditional in-person focus – providing opportunities for networking, informal discussion and feedback, and social events – but still with the option for virtual presentations and participation.

In the next weeks, we will work with session convenors, and short course and field trip organizers, to confirm new dates and make any necessary changes.

Please check the GAC-MAC 2021 website ( for new abstract submission and registration dates, and other information pertaining to the rescheduled annual meeting.

GAC-MAC London 2021 LOC
Local Organizing Committee
Gordon Osinski, Roberta Flemming and Phil McCausland

W: :: E: :: T: #gacmac2021

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