The 2024 Joint Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada (GAC) and the Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC) will be held on 19-22 May 2024 at Brandon University, Manitoba, Canada. This meeting will include all the expected GAC and MAC programming and the 10th International Symposium on granitic pegmatites with field trips and special sessions.

The theme of the meeting is “At the Heart of the Continent.” You can expect an excellent scientific program, a variety of field trips and short courses.

Abstract submission opened on December 15, 2023 and are now closed.

Registration is now OPEN. Lower registration fees will be applied to members and to those who register before April 7, 2024.

There will be options to book return or one-way trips with a conference shuttle between the Winnipeg airport and Brandon University. Those coming from the west may fly directly to Brandon through Calgary.

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