Request for Proposals

Symposia, Special Sessions, Short Courses, Workshops, and Field Trips
The 2023 Joint Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada (GAC), Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC), and Society for Geology Applied to Ore Deposits (SGA) will be held on 24-27 May 2023 at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
The theme of the meeting is Discovering Ancient to Modern Earth, reflecting the location of the Sudbury at the intersection of the Archean Superior Province, Proterozoic Southern and Grenville Provinces, and Paleozoic-Quaternary cover sequences.
The conference will include an diverse program of Symposia, Special Sessions, General Sessions, Field Trips, Short Courses and Workshops covering the complete spectrum of geoscience disciplines. The meeting will be delivered in hybrid format with both in-person and virtual components. Abstracts, talks, and posters can be given in French or English.
- Symposia are 1-2 day thematic sessions.
- Special Sessions are ½ to 1-day that cover “hot” topics.
- Short Courses are 1-2 days, pre- or post-meeting, with notes printed by the Sponsor.
- Workshops are 1-2 days, pre- or post-meeting, often hands-on, with notes provided as PDFs.
- Field Trips are ½ to several days, pre- or post-meeting, with guidebooks published by Ontario Geological Survey.
Proposal templates for Field Trips and Short Courses can be downloaded from the meeting website.
The deadline for submission is 15 August 2022. Please contact Cathy Nadjiwon if you have any questions.
Sudbury 2023 Local Organizing Committee