The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology

Submissions & Author Information

Submission Requirements

Submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published, must not be under consideration for publication anywhere else, and must have the approval of all co-authors.

Submission Process

Whether a manuscript is submitted online (preferred), by e-mail, or by post, the overall process is the same:

  • Receipt of the submission is acknowledged.
  • The submission is assigned to an Associate Editor.
  • Two referees familiar with the theme of the paper are consulted by the Associate Editor.
  • The referees evaluate the manuscript and return their comments to the Associate Editor.
  • The Associate Editor considers the comments of the referees and makes a recommendation to the Editor.
  • The Editor makes the final decision on the manuscript.
  • The Editor contacts the authors to deliver the final decision.
  • Papers that contain the results of a crystal-structure investigation will be scrutinized by our Technical Editor for Crystal Structures, currently Prof. Ronald C. Peterson.
  • Manuscripts accepted for publication typically must be revised by the authors to address referee comments.
  • Revised manuscripts, along with high resolution figures and supplementary data, are either uploaded to the manuscript submission system, or are returned to the Managing Editor in an editable format to permit formatting for publication.
  • Approximately at the time proofs are produced, authors will be required to sign a Transfer of Copyright. Authors will also be requested to pay page charges at this time. Page charges are not required, but they are much appreciated For more information, see Page Charges, later on this page.

Required Documents

The format in which you submit your manuscript depends on which option for submission (online, e-mail, or post) you choose, but all of the following must be included:

Regular manuscripts:

  • Manuscript text with continuous line numbers and page numbers
    Please include figure captions in the text. Most formats accepted, but .DOC and .DOCX are preferred.
  • Figures (if present)
    Most formats accepted, but high resolution (300 dpi or greater) .TIF or .EPS are preferred. Note that .CDR files are not compatible with typesetting.
  • Tables (if present)
    Most formats accepted, but .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, or .XLSX are preferred.
  • Supplementary Data (if present)
    Any format. Since supplementary data is not typeset, you may arrange it in any way you please in any format you choose.

Manuscripts with crystallographic data must also include:

  • Table of structure factors
  • CIF file

Manuscripts on a new mineral species should also include:

  • A copy of the official communication received from the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification. Documentation on whether the new species has already been encountered can be obtained from the IMA website, which includes an IMA-approved list of unnamed minerals. The unnamed mineral code should be included in the text when the mineral is subsequently described in detail. This will not only enable the appropriate modifications of the IMA lists to be made in a timely fashion, but also ensure that both the name and the IMA code appear, where appropriate, in journal indices.

Supplementary Data

Large volumes of data, or data likely to interest only a few readers, are placed in the Depository of Unpublished Data, maintained on the MAC website. For example, this might include reams of compositional data on which a paper is based, a table of structure factors, or a digital version of IR and Raman spectra.

A code is defined once the pagination is finalized, of the form [document keyword CM##, xxx], where ## is the volume number and xxx is the DOI, and is inserted in the text.

Although not mandatory for acceptance, an article or revision submitted in The Canadian Mineralogist formatting style demonstrates that you are familiar with the journal and reduces production time after acceptance.

Below we provide some basic templates and style notes. We encourage you to download them and refer to them when formatting your manuscript. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Basic Manuscript Template

This template provides the formatting of the title page, abstract, main text, references, and figure captions, as well as indicating where Table should be provided. Please note that Figures should be provided as separate, high resolution image files, and not as part of the text file.
[Download as a Word file] [Download as a PDF]

Table Formatting Instructions and Examples

Reformatting tables for the typesetter can add several days to your production time, if your tables are abundant. Providing them already in Canadian Mineralogist style can cut that time down significantly.
[Download as a Word file] [Download as a PDF]

UPDATED! Endnote Style

The journal staff have now validated and updated this contributor-made Endnote style! Please advise the journal staff if the style stops working.
[Download the ENS file]

List of Symbols for Rock- and Ore-Forming Minerals (Updated January 10, 2020)

This list provides the approved symbols for minerals. Please use these symbols in all of figures, text, and tables.
[Download as a PDF]

Non-Comprehensive List of Word and Symbol Styling

This list provides a few of the style preferences we use regarding details like modifiers for mineral names, hyphens and en-dashes, abbreviations, lists, symbols, and more.
[Download as a Word file] [Download as a PDF]


The publication of topical research materials always made in an efficient, timely manner so as to be of maximum benefit to the researchers and the broader readership. The tradition at the CJMP (and its predecessor, The Canadian Mineralogist) has been to publish research-themed papers that generally comprise detailed, comprehensive analyses, syntheses and discussions of relevant subject matters. As such, little latitude is provided, or options available, to the publication of shorter, possibly more topical papers, on themes that fit within the range of subject matters considered for publication. These may be either niche in subject matter or too short in length to be considered for publication. Thus, there is a need for development of an effective manner by which such publications may be accommodated. Doing so broadens the scope of material that can be considered for publication and encourages receipt of submissions from researchers who are hesitant in publishing their material given its brevity or those looking for a venue that provides for this opportunity in a very timely manner. This is why an alternative to the standard manner of publication at CJMP is proposed.


Short Communications (SC) is intended to serve as a mechanism supporting the rapid dissemination (<two months) of research materials without the need for a major paper. The SC should be able to stand on its own merits as a publication and must contain sufficient data and associated references to support the conclusions being made.


Subject matters could include: (1) description of a new analytical technique and its application(s) to the mineral sciences; (2) involve a new scientific breakthrough of special significance or (3) abbreviated progress reports on a particular theme that has important implications to topical subject matters.


The criteria for a contribution to be considered for publication as a SC include: (1) the submission must not be more than 2500 words in length (excluding references); (2) an accompanying covering letter from the authors indicating their desire to publish their contribution in this format, along with their rationale for making this requesting and (3) a combined number of figures and tables not to exceed five (5). References may and should be included, but these fall outside of any length requirement.

Restrictions and Conditions

Short Communications is not intended to provide a simplified pathway to the publication of a more in-depth contribution and thus must be able to stand independently on its own merits. Given its relative length, no abstract and subheadings are required: the subject matter and findings must thus be communicated in a highly effective, clear manner. Since a submission accepted for publication implies rapid publication, a SC considered for publication is not expected to require significant revisions and thus, it must be written clearly and cohesively. If significant modifications are required, the contribution may be rejected. Evaluation and decision on publication of a SC submission will be made by a CJMP Editor and up to one reviewer, if the Editor deems the latter necessary.

Because The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology is a society-run journal, and because the MAC is a non-profit organization registered as an official charity, authors are asked to contribute financially to the publication of their article.

Page charges are assessed at $50 per page for non-MAC members and $40 per page for MAC members. Color pages are included at no additional cost.

These page charges are considered a legitimate expense by granting agencies, and should be budgeted for in writing a research proposal. Such charges are not to be construed as a condition for publication. In return for a contribution, authors can expect an official electronic copy of their article, approved for distribution in the same way as reprints (which they can also order), and as it appears on the GeoScience World site.

Gold Open Access is available by request at a cost of $200 per typeset page. Please contact the Managing Editor ( as early as possible after acceptance to make this request.

More comprehensive Open Access options are waiting on legal drafting and approval of a new copyright agreement.



  • A Thematic Issue associated with a specific event or conference was recently announced. Can I submit to the Thematic Issue even if I didn’t attend the event?
    • Yes. The submission must be thematically appropriate to the issue (e.g., a submission to the thematic issue for the PEG 2017 conference should be about pegmatites), but you don’t have to have attended the conference to submit to the issue.
  • I’m not sure if my article is appropriate for publication in The Canadian Mineralogist. Should I submit anyway?
    • If you’re not sure if your article is a good fit for our audience, we suggest you contact the Managing Editor to ask if it is appropriate. You can submit regardless, but if the article is determined to be not appropriate for our audience, it will rejected without review.


  • How long is your submission to publication time?
    • The two most significant influences on sub to pub time are reviewer response time and author revision time. Assuming that the reviewers take 30 days to deliver their evaluation and that authors take 30 days to deliver their revision, the current estimated sub to pub time is ~3-4 months for online publication. Print publication depends on when the next available issue is scheduled.
  • I need my article published by a specific date because I am applying for a job / tenure / merit. Can you help?
    • If you have a specific publication deadline for your article, please inform us as early as possible in the review or editorial process. We will do everything we can to accommodate deadlines, and will inform your if it is not achievable. Please notify us of a deadline even if you think there is plenty of time.

Submit Online

If you have submitted a manuscript before, or if you have served as a reviewer, you will already have an account. If you are new to The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, formerly The Canadian Mineralogist, submission system, you first will need to use the “Register Now” link to create an account.

Please read our Submission Instructions before submitting a manuscript.

Collapsible content

Submitting online through the manuscript submission system (See “Submit Online”) is the preferred method. However, we will also accept articles submitted via e-mail or post.

Before submitting, please consult the Submission Instructions and Style Guides and Templates on this page.

Submitting via E-mail

Articles submitted via e-mail should be sent to Mackenzie Parker, Managing Editor [].

Please send the text and tables in editable format (i.e., Word, Excel, etc.) and Figures in a high resolution image format (e.g., TIFF, EPS, or other high resolution image format; note that CDR format is not compatible with typesetting). If present, supplementary data, structure factors, and CIF files should be in separate documents.

Submitting via Post

Please Note: Submissions via post (i.e., in hard copy) are extremely likely to be delayed, due to the vagaries of the postal system and the difficulty of creating electronic documents for use in editing and printing from these materials. Please submit electronically whenever possible.

However, understanding that some authors may not be able to submit electronically, we will accept submissions in hard copy at the following address:

Mackenzie Parker
c/o Lee Groat
Dept. of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
University of British Columbia
6339 Stores Road
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4

Include ALL materials. If possible, also include a CD or USB drive with electronic versions.