Online Access

Access to the journal is available for MAC members who have opted to subscribe to The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology and for those with institutional subscription access.

All subscribers will have access to new articles under the journal new name and all articles under the former name, the only difference will be the URL address to access those articles, but for individual subscribers, your credentials to sign in to your GSW Account to access the journal articles will be the same for both options.  Institutional subscribers will get automatic access to all articles through IP recognition.

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About CJMP:

Since 1962, MAC has published papers dealing with all aspects of mineralogy, crystallography, petrology, economic geology, geochemistry, and applied mineralogy. Our journal is recognized as one of the main-line publications within the mineral sciences.

The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology is published electronically on a bi-monthly basis.

Though we have transitioned to publishing electronic-only in 2021, many of the print versions of previously published thematic issues of The Canadian Mineralogist (our journal's name prior to 2023) are available for purchase in the MAC Bookstore:

Shop Thematic Issues:

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How it all started...

The Canadian Mineralogist has its roots in Contributions to Canadian Mineralogy (part of the University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series), which was founded in 1921 by Thomas Leonard Walker and was the leading publication of academic mineralogical research in Canada for many years.

Support for Studies was withdrawn in 1948, but Martin Peacock, who at the time was both responsible for editing Contributions and serving as President of the Mineralogical Society of America, persuaded his council to devote one of the six yearly numbers of American Mineralogist to Canadian papers; they were called Canadian ContributionsCanadian Contributions continued as part of American Mineralogist until 1955, with The Canadian Mineralogist coming into existence two years later, in 1957.

The Canadian Mineralogist is recognized to be the continuation of the earlier Contributions, and its volumes are numbered accordingly. The Contributions to Canadian Mineralogy, University of Toronto Studies have been designated as volumes 1 to 4 of The Canadian Mineralogist; the seven Contributions of American Mineralogist have been designated as volume 5; and thus the first volume published as The Canadian Mineralogist is volume 6.