We are very pleased to announce the launch of our new book series: Education Publications.
The first two volumes are available for purchase now.
Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species 2022
Malcolm was invited by Joe Mandarino as a co-author for the 2004, 9th Edition, and the 2008, 10th Edition, which was to be their last collaboration on the Glossary; he passed away September 18, 2007 as they were finishing the manuscript.
The number of new minerals being described each year continues to amaze. In 2017 there were 118 descriptions, 2018-168, 2019-136, 2020-104, and up to October 31, 2021-65 descriptions. This will be an alphabetical list, as of October 31, 2021, of the names, symmetry, and chemical -compositions of mineral species. Synonyms and discarded names will not be included. Diacritical marks will be included.
This 2022 edition will supersede the 2018 edition. All mineral species listed are approved by the International Mineralogical Association.
EP 01, 2022. 448 pages
CDN $45 (in Canada) US $45 (outside Canada) – (Member Price CDN $36/US $36) Get your copy here
Mineral Identification Manual; Clues From Their Geological Provenance
Once the appropriate table for the specimen has been determined, the physical properties of the mineral, beginning with its luster (metallic or non-metallic), is noted, followed by its hardness, density, cleavage, or other discernible physical properties.
This is usually sufficient information to identify most common mineral species, since each step eliminates a considerable number of possibilities. As a confirmation, the photographs provide reassurance that the un-known mineral physically resembles the one chosen through the table.
The volume includes more than 475 color photos, 3 colour diagrams, along with tables of the minerals’ physical properties used for identification in the field and lab.
This book is intended for anyone who is charged with identifying minerals, without having to use sophisticated equipment to do so. This includes geologists in the field, mineral collectors as well as students and professors in the lab. Many similar determinative tables have been used in the past for this purpose.
EP 02, 2022. 208 pages.
CDN $55 (in Canada) US $55 (outside Canada) – (Member Price CDN $44/US $44) Get your copy here