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The Canadian Mineralogist

A Tribute to Frank Christopher Hawthorne

A Tribute to Frank Christopher Hawthorne

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A Tribute to Frank Christopher Hawthorne – The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 54, part 1

Editor: L.A. Groat

This thematic issue of The Canadian Mineralogist is in honour of Prof. Frank C. Hawthorne and his extraordinary contributions to mineralogy and crystallography. The issue is appropriately huge – 372 pages – and includes sixteen articles on a variety of topics as diverse as Frank’s own career.
The preface describes Frank’s accomplishments and impact. His early interest in amphiboles is well represented by articles concerning the crystal chemistry of synthetic amphiboles, partitioning of chlorine into ferro-pargasite, synthetic potassic-ferro-richterite, and magnesio-hastingsite. His work on the crystal chemistry of rock-forming minerals is represented by papers on Cs-bearing beryl and fibrous tourmaline. A lengthy article revising and expanding the structure hierarchy of natural and synthetic hexavalent uranium compounds constitutes a major contribution to the field of structure hierarchies, where Frank was an early leader, developing hierarchies for several other classes of minerals. Frank’s work interpreting the topological aspects of crystal structures is honoured by two papers on the TS-block minerals. Of course, the fundamental work of describing and revising the structures of new minerals is also represented by five articles. In recognition of the broad impact of Frank’s work, the issue also includes papers on the evolution of structural complexity in boron minerals and surface precipitates and adsorption complexes in remediated soils.
These articles constitute a worthy tribute to Frank’s accomplishments and impact, and we hope that our readers enjoy the ‘Frank Hawthorne Issue’.

Softcover. 372 pages. 2016.

ISBN: 0008-4476
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